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Triple Mag - Custom Pack

Triple Mag - Custom Pack

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Ionized Magnesium Complex

Triple Mag is your all-in-one magnesium powerhouse. Blending three easily absorbed forms of magnesium, it ensures your body receives and utilizes this pivotal mineral directly in the bloodstream. With magnesium steering over 300 enzyme reactions, its deficiency, common among 75% of Americans, can invite a plethora of health issues ranging from muscle cramps and fatigue to blood sugar imbalance.

Maximizing Magnesium Uptake for Optimal Health

An alarming 75% of Americans fall short in magnesium levels, as revealed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Survey. Triple Mag tackles this deficiency head-on by providing magnesium as fully soluble alkaline salts, perfectly poised to shield the body from acidity's harmful repercussions.

Why Triple Mag stands out:

  • Premium Formulation: Eschewing the common Magnesium Oxide, which is often cheap and poorly absorbed, Triple Mag boasts a trio of transport cofactors. This not only ensures effective delivery to cells but also supercharges the body's energy systems.
  • Magnesium: The Essential Powerhouse: Overseeing 300 enzyme reactions, a magnesium shortfall can set the stage for myriad health challenges. It's the linchpin for serotonin (the “happy hormone”) production, energy generation, and robust bone health.
  • Counteracting Acidity: A major magnesium role is neutralizing bodily acids. With stress, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods sapping our magnesium reserves, it's no wonder many face health woes. A typical Western diet exacerbates this, being replete with acid-generating foods and scant in magnesium sources.
  • Insomnia & Irritability

  • Kidney Stones & Liver Disease

  • Poor Gut Health

  • Muscle Twitches and Tremors

  • Confusion and Poor Memory

  • Fatigue & Unstable Blood Sugar Levels

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Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules daily with meals or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Formulated To Be Free of Allergens Derived From:

Wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, artificial preservatives, sweeteners, colors and flavors.  

Caution: As with any dietary supplement, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, anticipate surgery, take any medication or are otherwise under medical supervision.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 


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