There are a lot of weight loss programs out there. MetaLife stands out because (as its name hints) it is designed to help you create “metabolism for life”. That’s right, this is not a “lose 10 pounds and done” program. This is a scientifically-tested, natural and long-lasting weight management solution that guides you to make an overall shift to better eating habits, regular exercise, and reduced stress.
MetaLife is a Lifestyle Empowerment Program designed to change the composition of your body (the fat to muscle ratio your body is made up of) as well as your ability to experience a life full of health and vitality.
Here are a few more health benefits:
Gain Energy
Sleep Better
Reduce Cravings
Decrease Pain
Improve Mood
Restore Hormone Balance
Achieve Lasting Weight Loss
"How Does It Work?"
MetaLife is designed to achieve long-term weight loss by ensuring muscle mass is preserved during the program. Most programs consist of low calorie, low protein and low fat diets that cause severe cravings, low energy and loss of muscle tissue. This combination is not only going to cause you to gain more weight in the long run, but is very dangerous.
Let’s break down the many misconceptions associated with popular weight loss programs:
Low Calorie Diets
Reducing caloric intake to very low levels will cause your body to believe it is starving. It will also lower your metabolism which lowers your body’s ability to burn fat. This creates the well known rebound weight gain after most weight loss programs.
Low Protein Diets
There is no way of knowing if your body is burning fat or muscle on a low protein diet, unless you monitor it. MetaLife is the only weight loss system that tests body composition on a weekly basis. This ensures you are losing fat (not muscle), and your results are not only quick… but long term.
Low Fat Diets
Low fat diets usually mean high sugar diets. This causes weight gain versus weight loss, and increases your risk of diabetes, inflammation and pain. Low fat diets also cause hormone imbalances creating fatigue, insomnia, mood disorders and lack of sex drive.
Your entire journey through the program is closely monitored by your personal health coach! This ensures you are only losing fat – not muscle – which is key to sustaining weight loss over time. Ready to get started?
Find Out If MetaLife is Right for You!
Schedule a Call with a Health Coach