Plastic Container Safety; The Good, The Bad, and The Reality!

Plastic Container Safety; The Good, The Bad, and The Reality!

If you have ever wondered about the good, the bad, and the reality of plastic container safety; look no further.  Plastic container safety is an imperative aspect of maintaining overall good health. In fact, it is almost impossible to escape using plastics in your everyday life. With such a proliferation of plastic due to its convenience; as consumers, it would behoove us to pay close attention to the effects that the abundance of plastic containers may create as it relates to your health.

Why? You May Ask

What is in plastic that is a cause for concern? A chemical called Phthalate (pronounced ˈtha-ˌlāt). You may be wondering to yourself, what exactly is this odd spelled word? Phthalate is an ester of phthalic acid; the substance added to plastic which helps to make it flexible.  Concern has grown over the years regarding the health hazards associated with the accumulation of phthalates in our bodies.  Phthalates have been deemed an endocrine system disruptor.  Endocrine system disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the endocrine (hormone) system within the body at certain doses (level of exposure).

Independent Studies

Independent studies have shown that phthlates leach into substances they come in contact with such as food, skin, and the air. In 2005, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) made note that even though more research is warranted; the trends suggested that phthalates can cause reproductive harm. Numerous other independent studies have shown similar findings, and have called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban or restrict phthalates in many consumer products.  You may find it alarming to know that the percentage of individuals who have this toxic chemical in their body is one hundred percent.  Common evidence of endocrine disruption include hormone imbalance, mood swings, lack of sex drive, insomnia, fatigue, and weight gain. Would you agree that plastic container safety is a cause for concern?

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Limiting your exposure to toxins as it relates to plastic container safety is a necessary step in the right direction. One way to do so is to eat fresh whole foods (grass fed, pasture raised, organic, or cleaned thoroughly); this is imperative. Consume food that has not been packaged in containers which used phthalates. Utilize microwave safe plastic containers or reheat leftovers either on the stove or in the oven is also recommended in order to limit food leaching exposure.  Storing your water and other fluids in a glass or bisphenol-A-free (BPA-free) plastic bottle will also contribute to reduced exposure.  Additionally, it is safe practice to avoid using, heating, and reusing plastic containers with the recycle code number 3 (polyvinyl chloride), 6 (polystyrene), and 7 (polycarbonate, i.e. BPA).

(Reference chart below regarding plastic recycle codes)

It is also beneficial to detox regularly; at least twice a year with a safe and effective detox system.  Detoxing is more than just a bowel flush. An effective detox system is designed to bind toxin containing agents and remove them; this is what makes the Ultimate Body cleanse by Aceva unique in its own right. Unlike other cleanse or detox systems, the Ultimate Body Cleanse is a complete 5 in 1 detoxification system which offers; toxin removal* – parasite elimination*- improved immune function* – liver support and repair* – as well as, digestive system repair*.

*Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


If you are pregnant, nursing, under 12 years of age, have current liver, or kidney disease; it is not recommend that you use the Ultimate Body Cleanse. Always consult your Primary Care Physician before starting any detox program.

Can you recall the last time you turned over one of your plastic containers and read the recycle code?  Have you ever wondered what those little symbols indicate on the bottom of plastic containers? 

Here is a useful reference chart to use as a guide regarding Plastic Container Safety

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