10 Amazing Benefits of Turmeric

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If you’ve enjoyed a flavorful curry, a golden dal, or even yellow mustard, you’ve likely reaped the benefits of turmeric root.

Turmeric is best known for turning dull dishes into vibrant golden delicacies, but there is much more to this humble root than color. It is a potent herbal medicinal with powerful health benefits ranging from brain health to beauty.

Here we’ll learn more about turmeric (which is the key ingredient in Mobility), its benefits, and how you can brighten your meals (and your health!) with this healing root.


What is Turmeric Root?

Turmeric is a bright yellow-orange root that is most commonly known as a rich spice in Indian and Asian cuisine. But, turmeric isn’t just a delicious spice. It’s also a healing herbal medicinal that has been used for centuries as part of traditional systems like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine.

Many of turmeric’s benefits stem from its rich source of curcuminoids, which are special molecules with profound healing effects. Turmeric also offers a range of vitamins and minerals such as manganese, iron, and vitamin C.


10 Amazing Benefits of Turmeric

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1) Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Turmeric is a popular natural anti-inflammatory herb and supplement. It has been used to calm and cool chronic inflammation throughout the body, specifically in the joints and digestive tract.

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are directly related to its curcumin levels. Curcumin is known to modulate the inflammatory NF-kB pathway which is often triggered with issues like long-standing inflammation, weak immunity, chronic pain, and chronic disease.


2) Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant.

Antioxidants are extremely helpful for reducing everyday damage to our cells and tissues. They work by blocking unstable free radicals and protecting our healthy cells.

Turmeric’s curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and damage done by free radicals. Studies show that regular intake of antioxidant-rich turmeric can help to slow the aging process and may improve longevity.


3) Turmeric improves arthritis and joint pain.

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We’ve already learned that turmeric is a fantastic natural anti-inflammatory, especially for joints. But the power of turmeric goes deeper. It is also seen as a natural painkiller.

Turmeric has been used in Chinese medicine (called yu jin) for millennia to eliminate pain. It does this by reducing stagnation in the tissues and encouraging healthy blood circulation. The research supports these claims, showing that turmeric supplements could be an effective alternative to NSAIDs for those with arthritic joint pain.


4) Turmeric improves heart health.

Heart disease tops the charts as the number one killer in the United States. The good news is that we can adjust our lifestyles to protect our hearts and avoid issues like heart attacks, stroke, and hypertension.

Curcumin is known to help prevent heart disease by improving the way blood moves through the body. Many cardiovascular diseases stem from poor function of the blood vessels’ endothelium (inner lining). Curcumin supports this lining and prevents the risk of heart disease


5) Turmeric is linked to better brain health and a lower risk of cognitive diseases.

When it comes to boosting your brain power, turmeric could be your new secret weapon. Studies show that turmeric can improve cognitive function (like focus, learning, and memory) as well as prevent age-related cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s.

While we once thought that neurons do not regenerate, we now know that this is not the case. Our neurons are capable of forming new connections and multiplying when the hormone BDNF (or brain-derived neurotrophic factor) is present. Studies show that curcumin increases levels of BDNF to support healthy brain regeneration.


6) Turmeric helps fight depression and mood swings.

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Could eating turmeric daily fight depression? Studies suggest it might. In one trial, those with depression who took turmeric daily experienced the same mood improvements as those who took Prozac instead. Researchers believe turmeric has mood-boosting benefits due to curcumin’s ability to boost BDNF and dopamine levels. These two chemicals are necessary for healthy brain function, balanced mood, and an overall sense of wellbeing.


7) Turmeric can reduce skin damage and improve skin health.

As an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, turmeric does wonders for many irritable skin conditions such as acne or psoriasis. Turmeric helps to heal wounds and may reduce the appearance of scars. Even those without skin conditions can enjoy the benefits of turmeric - this herb is also a beauty tonic, offering a healthy glow and more youthful-looking skin. 


8) Turmeric improves digestive health. 

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In ancient Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric was used as dietary therapy to improve digestive issues like bloating and gas. Modern research shows that turmeric does have a great potential for healing the gut, once again due to helpful curcuminoids.

Curcuminoids balance inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract to reduce bloating and prevent conditions like IBS and leaky gut syndrome. Curcumin also has a positive effect on the gut microbiome, which supports nearly all of our body’s organ systems.


9) Turmeric may help reverse diabetes.

Studies show that turmeric may lend a helping hand to those managing diabetes. It can help stabilize blood sugar and even directly reduces levels of glucose in the blood. It may also be able to help prevent diabetes, but research is still underway.


10) Turmeric could help treat and prevent cancer.

While there is no single cure for cancer, studies suggest that turmeric may improve outcomes when paired with cancer treatment.

Curcumin has been found to limit the growth, development, and spread of many different types of cancer cells. This molecule also helps kill cancer cells and reduce cancer’s ability to spread or grow its own blood vessels (angiogenesis).


Herbal Gold: How Aceva Uses Turmeric to Improve Your Health

At Aceva, we know a good thing when we see it. That’s why we’ve done extensive research into turmeric and its wide range of health benefits to create trusted, effective turmeric products that support you in your health goals.


Aceva’s Mobility

Turmeric for Joint Health and an Active Life
Turmeric is the key player in Aceva’s Mobility formula. Along with other anti-inflammatory herbs, turmeric helps to relieve pain and improve overall joint function and mobility without the side effects of over-the-counter medications.


Aceva’s Absolute Greens

Turmeric for Daily Wellness and Prevention
Getting your green is hard enough, not to mention all the other helpful superfoods and antioxidants we need to thrive. With over 10 servings of fruits and vegetables and over 50 superfoods (including high-quality turmeric), Absolute Greens is the easiest way to live healthy every day.


Stay Rooted in Health with Turmeric

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As if these 10 amazing health benefits of turmeric weren’t enough, scientists are always discovering new ways to use this golden root for health and prevention. Try adding turmeric to your favorite recipes, enjoy a golden milk turmeric latte, or start each day on the right foot with a high-quality turmeric supplement.


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